Yard Act – A Vineyard for the North Lyrics


Don’t think because I’m not doing more in the moment, I’m not doing more.
I’ve seen what comes from point scoring,
I was born torn between warring factions.
I’m Practically a doormat I’m so diplomatic,
and that’s why I know those that mean well don’t know they’re problematic,
myself included,

I know I’m not easily spooked,
but I still shudder at how far removed we are from moving on.
So go easy on us, nothing to see here people, move along.
Crushing biscuits in the carpet with the thumb of God’s good grace
and no respect for how the fibres frayed make space for new mess.
I look awkward when I’m walking forward even when I’m not,
a static shock of mad propulsion stood convulsing in one spot.
We want tomorrow now whichever way the chips may fall,
coz trust me, one day soon when winter doesn’t come,
I’m gonna buy that valley below.
We’ll build a vineyard in the north.

Under the heel,
heard you’re lower than hell because you’re keeping it real,
is it treating you well?
I don’t wanna talk about it,
I just want be left alone,
still, I’m gonna bug those red tape conversations.
More mandatory sour grapes,
a toast to borrowed time,the wine idea was mine though.
The wine idea was MINE.
Can’t see a way through,
though I hope you know that i fought tooth and nail for you
and if truth dies tonight on the vine tonight so be it.


History never looks the same from both sides
and so when darkness surrounds you,
perhaps it’s because you’re the black hole? I dnno
Keen hobbyist to semi pro, but I still got soul,
Don’t let it go to waste, amateur sommelier, I get paid to get pissed these days, its ace.
Do what you love, and you’ll never work another day in your life
until the well runs dry that is,
behold the final dawn flung from the moon’s mad jaws crawling back into his hole.
I made a promise to you all,
Under the heel, heard you’re lower than hell,
keeping it real isn’t treating you well,
don’t wanna met with my maker so I’m quitting the band.

I wanna buy a few acres, live off the fat of the land,
cap in hand I stand before her,
mother nature bring me water.
And they said that from this soil under that sun,
no more could grow, but just look.
Behold God’s green glow rolling over the valleys below,
but go steady,
we’re at the mercy of the storm clouds now.
Under the heel, heard you’re lower than hell,
keeping it real isn’t treating you well,
don’t wanna met with my maker so I’m quitting the band.
I wanna buy a few acres, live off the fat of the land,
cap in hand I stand before her,
mother nature bring me water

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